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Total Knee
Replacement Surgery

Knee pain can be overwhelming and can make even simple everyday tasks challenging!

Don’t let knee pain hold you back from the things you love. Our skilled orthopaedic surgeons and robotic knee replacement techniques can help you get back on your feet in no time.

At HOSMAT, #YourLifeMatters

    Why Choose HOSMAT?

    3rd Gen Automated Robotic Knee Replacement System

    24-hour Accident & Trauma Care

    State-of-the-Art Technology & Medical Equipment

    One of the Lowest Infection Rates in India

    3 Hospitals, 500 Beds, 28 Operation Theateres across Bangalore, India

    Dr. Thomas Chandy

    Robotic Knee Replacement

    Introducing the

    3rd Generation Automated Robotic Knee Replacement System

    in Bangalore

    Significantly lowers the chance of traditional Surgery Complications, such as Infection, Blood Loss, & Post Operative pain.


    Absolute Precision & Accuracy

    Early Recovery & Discharge

    Patients Testimonials

    At HOSMAT #YourLifeMatters

    Our Healthcare Experts

    1.5 Million Lives Healed

    500+ Healthcare Heroes

    500+ Doctor Medals

    30 Years of Healthcare Excellence


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